Meet Hairy Erin. She believes that hairdressers are the devil reincarnated and that all life's little hiccups can be solved with a dollop of Pantene, lathered and repeated.
I've had this idea in my head for a while and after someone mentioned that my hair was what "made" most of my photos, I decided to do a number of shoots inspired by my hair. I'm wearing my Christmas dress that I received off of my boyfriend a little bit early (he also got some of his). People say I look like a pixie when I am in it.

Meet Lion Erin. She prides herself on having eyes like David Bowie, but hates his song "Diamond Dogs". She says she gets mistaken for Simba's daughter too often to count and says men love her sexy smile.
When this fellow mentioned that he thought my hair was what "made" most of my photos, I thought of a lion and its mane. So I decided to animorph myself. I had trouble deciding what animal to splice myself with, so I resorted back to the original idea of lion. I think I may do many of these and further experiment.