Thursday, 15 November 2012

Diddle Diddle.

Meet Kitty Erin. She likes playing with yarn and boasts of being a wicked fiddle player. She was once in a band with Diddle Diddle, but they recently split due to a  territorial disagreement that ended in what is commonly known as a "cat fight".
I like cats. They were my inspiration. Nothing more, nothing less.

Monday, 12 November 2012

In Your Head.

Meet Zombie Erin. She doesn't like Colgate and says she has a phobia of getting lock jaw. You may run into, or away from, her as she wanders aimlessly around and about in search of fresh human brains.
Inspired by the hit TV series "The Walking Dead". I think it could have been done with more precision, but it was getting late and I grew tired and fussy.